Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Head...

Random, but related...

Passaic River Basin Flood Preparedness Workshop
Very good presentations from the workshop focusing on the Passaic River Basin. Check out the link above. Presentations by the speakers can be downloaded by clicking their names (it took awhile for me to figure that out...). Many topics focusing on green infrastructure. 

From Presentation "USGS Involvement in the PRB" by Heidi Hoppe

I was reading an interesting article titled "The Energy Balance Method of Stormwater Management" from this month's STORMWATER MAGAZINE when this image captured my attention:
This office complex is on green infrastructure steroids! It's the Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.'s HQ building in Virginia. For more information, check it out on ASCE.

By the way, if you are a stormwater professional and have not subscribed to the Stormwater Magazine, you definitely should. Great articles and best of all, it's FREE! STORMWATER

Until next time, good night or good morning?

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