Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rain Tax

"Your Stormwater Dollars"

Hi All,

I came across a simple, yet effective video on stormwater (see above) developed by the City of Durham in North Carolina. I thought it was a creative way to explain the effects of urban stormwater to the general public. Everyone loves cartoons and visuals! Often times, many engineers and scientists (engineering stereotypes must have stemmed from somewhere) become enmeshed in the technical details without being able to clearly convey the message. I'll admit, at times it happens to me as well. That's when I think of Tiger Woods saying "K.I.S.S. = Keep it Simple Stupid". Okay, I really don't think of Tiger Woods, but you get the point.

Anyways, the purpose of the video is to explain to the local citizens the reason for the City of Durham's stormwater tax and where all the money goes. Honestly, this is pretty new to me, mainly because we do not have a fee or tax directly supporting the maintenance of stormwater infrastructure in the city I reside in. But, from what I am researching online, there are several local municipalities throughout the U.S. imposing a tax for stormwater services. In general, the tax rate is directly related to the amount of impervious areas within a property/residential unit. Well, this topic is very controversial so I won't dive deeper. All I will say is, stormwater infrastructure is very important!

Source: http://www.cityoftyler.org


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