Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dredge Baby, Dredge!

I was cleaning out my old laptop and found some of my dredging photos/videos from back in grad school. I've been working on a lot of dredging projects as of late so I thought I'd share!

What is dredging? It is basically excavation underwater (e.g., in rivers, bays, etc.).


There are several types of projects involving dredging work. Some examples are:
  • Remedial dredging for removal of contaminated sediments in the waterways; 
  • Capital dredging to increase depth of navigation channels/harbor access channels to accommodate for deep-draft ships (more cargo = more $$);
  • Maintenance dredging to remove accumulated sediments in navigation channels in order to maintain channel depths. 
Here are some photos/videos I "dredged" out of my laptop. I believe this was in Port Newark area. This monster is a mechanical dredge. I have yet to meet a hydraulic dredge in person. =)

Photo of the clam shell bucket in action:

Photo of the bucket in open position:

View from the Operator's Seat:


Video of the port cranes in action (Tom Cruise is operating it):

Photo of your goodies! Wonder how much that is worth?:

Remember, Safety First!



  1. Thank you for sharing these videos and pictures. Glad to know that you have undertaken such projects.

    1. Your welcome! Definitely a one of a kind experience to watch dredging operations.
