Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Lost Valley

I was reading a blog post on New Jersey Infrastructure and came across this video titled "The Lost Valley: Rising Water, Sinking Hopes" focusing on the serious flooding issues at the Borough of Manville in Central New Jersey. It's a very sad and a very real problem. According to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) statistics, floods are the number one most common natural disasters in the U.S. 

Borough of Manville - USGS Quad Map
Borough of Manville - Aerial Imagery
As you can see on the images above, the Borough is surrounded by waterways: the Raritan River, Millstone River and Royce Brook. The "Lost Valley" is the eastern portion of the Borough bounded by the railroad tracks and Millstone River. I remember awhile back, I was in nearby Bound Brook taking water quality measurements during a heavy rainfall and it was rough - local roads and properties flooded, bubbling manholes, etc. I remember the water surface elevation was just flirting with the low chord of one of the bridges I was taking measurements from. Serious stuff. 

Well, check the video out if you haven't already. A well-made video on promoting awareness of a very serious problem. 

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