Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It just rained!

I walk by this particular residential complex everyday and often times (too often actually), the automatic sprinkler system is heavy in action during/immediately after a rain event. I decided I had enough and took some photos (see below). This just defies logic as I feel there was adequate rainfall. Not only is the timing so perfect, many of the sprinklers are directed towards the pavement, which means it is not being maintained. For example, as shown in the first two photos, in order for a pedestrian to access the sidewalk, he or she must become a target. There is also another location where the sprinkler is directed at an access drive (I didn't take a photo of that location, but will next time). Waste of water and adds to runoff. 

I think it's time to recommend looking into rain sensors and/or modifications to make it "intelligent". There are plenty of available technologies out there that can help conserve water, save on the utility bills and reduce runoff especially when additional water is not necessary. 

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