Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Long Live Civil3D"

As my colleague would say "Long live Civil3D"!!

Short and to the point. This goes back to my previous post about how we have been blessed with technology. From the get-go of my career, Civil3D has been there by my side. I thought I should pay tribute especially since I've been working on some heavy duty grading lately. From site grading tools to earthwork estimates to profiles to pipe networks to river hydraulics to floodplain mapping, it has been there for me. =)

Good night!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Stormwater Wetlands (VIDEO)

Stormwater Wetland in the Bronx

Nice video on the newly constructed stormwater wetland at the New York Botanical Gardens. According to the NYCDEP Press Release, Southern Boulevard was subject to frequent flooding in the past among other related issues. Now, new catch basins have been installed to convey stormwater runoff into the constructed stormwater wetland prior to discharging into downstream waterbodies. 

  • Reduction of urban flooding - CHECK 
  • Treatment of stormwater runoff at the source - CHECK 
  • Reduction of downstream erosion - CHECK 
  • Reduction of CSO - CHECK 
  • Creation of open space - CHECK 
  • Increase in habitat diversity - CHECK 
  • Educational Platform - CHECK

Marrying natural principles in urban settings is what green infrastructure is all about. Enjoy!